Complex energy system is what the Chinese medicine is using the term when they want to describe the human body. Acupuncture is a very popular healing method from Chinese medicine and it claims that pressing certain points of the body and massaging could help cure various ailments.
It is been proven that this method changes the flow of the energy to the organs in the human body.
Putting a single ice cube on a specific point on your neck is one of the interesting methods of the Chinese medicine. It is claimed that this method has the possibility to improve your mood, re-energize your body and also to boost your general health.
The specific point is located right between the neck at the base of the skills in the tendons. You can check this point right below the skull cap on the top of the neck.
Feng Fu – Refuge of the Wind is the term that is used in Acupuncture for this point.
The process is so simple. You just need to follow the below given steps.
- You need to lie on your stomach and take one small size ice cube in your hand.
- Put the ice cube on the above stated neck point and leave it stay there for about 20 minutes.
- You can use a bandage or scarf if you want to secure the ice cube and make sure that it doesn’t fall off.
- It is great that you are going to start feeling the difference in only about 30-40 seconds as heat is going to be experienced at the neck point.
- Use this remedy two times a day, in the morning and in the evening.
After using this technique Endorphins are released in blood. Therefore, you can experience euphoria in first days of this treatment.
This remedy is used just to restore balance and rejuvenate your body. This is not a treatment for any specific health problems. However, the method has numerous different health benefits.
This method has various health benefits. It improves the mood, sleep and the general health. It also helps to improve the digestion system, it eliminates the pain caused by toothaches, headaches and joint pain.
The treatment is very useful for treating asthma, obesity, malnutrition, thyroid gland problems, STDs, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure, degenerative spine changes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, cellulite, depression, psycho-emotional disorders, stress, and menstrual cycle disorders.
Note: persons who have epilepsy or schizophrenia as well as pregnant woman should not use this technique.
Try this remedy if you want to get overall better health and improve the working system of your entire body in very short period.